The definition of Print is: 1. To press (a mark or design, for example) onto or into a surface. 2. To produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper or other material.
Print design is a specialized field of graphic design with the end result being an image that can then be transferred onto a surface material of your choice, whether it be paper, banner material, canvas, or vinyl, etc.
Many items fall into the category of a printed piece, but some of the most popular items are: advertisements, posters, flyers, brochures, business cards, letterhead, direct mail, magazines and newsletters, wedding invitations, etc.
Below are a few examples of some previous print designs.

Whether it's a business advertisement, a personal promotion, or even a pageant contestant ad, in a magazine or program, an advertisement can promote and sell for you when you are not able to. I have designed many ads, all specific to the customers's needs, and look forward to designing yours. A sampling of some previously designed ads is below.

Banners can be a great promotional item for your business or event, or just a good backdrop for a party. Here are some examples of product promotion and event/ promotion banners.

Brochures are a great asset to have. Their main purpose is to inform, but they should inform in a visually appealing way. Depending on the needs you have, a brochure can be text heavy, minimalistic, or somewhere in between. When done correctly, a brochure can have a long life serving its duty, to inform the audience or customer(s).
This brochure is a 4 panel, double fold brochure that I designed for the Joseph Pfeifer Kiwanis Camp. It's hard to narrow down all the great things that the camp does for children, and this one proved a challenge because of the amount of text involved. I think the end result turned out great though.

Business cards are a staple of business. Your business card can sell for you when you're not able to, and no businessman or woman should be caught without one!

Direct mail can be such a powerful marketing tool, when designed and used correctly. Although many people think that 'print is dead' or digital is the way to go, a great piece of print collateral can pack a punch and make a great impression on a potential customer. Now, you can integrate a printed traditional direct mail piece, along with call tracking and social media/digital marketing efforts to deepen your marketing reach to potential clients. Take a look at these two marketing campaigns that I designed for . These examples were dynamic marketing campaigns that consisted of multiple rounds of direct mail postcards, an assigned trackable phone number, social media and web graphics, and the campaigns proved to be a great success.

Envelopes, Letterhead, etc. can all expand your brand where needed and provide a consistent image.

The invitation is in the mail! An invite or save the date is what gets the event going, and no event, wedding, shindig, or good ole southern hootenanny is the same without one. Below are a few samplings of some invitations and save the dates that I have designed. Wedding invitations may become their own section and is a work in progress at this point, but I do design them. I can even get you in touch with a great printer, or facilitate the print process for you.

(Booklets, Magazines, Newsletters, Programs, Etc.)
A layout is like a roadmap for a project, and depends on varying factors. From newsletters and magazines to programs and booklets, layout design sets the tone for how a project is received. Even as a free spirit, I recognize that some boundaries and frameworks are actually freeing, and can allow you to creatively challenge the space constraints. Here are a few samplings of some newsletters, programs and booklets that I have designed.

From event admission tickets to raffle tickets, wildly colorful themes to minimal themes, I can design them all and number them as well. Tickets can be perforated so each party has a ticket stub, but it just depends on your needs.

Because everyone and their situation is unique, quotes and pricing are approached with that in mind and are tailored to your needs, so please use the contact form below for your custom quote inquiry.
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